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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Cultural Events

Genealogy Club Holiday Party & Raffle Scheduled



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The Genealogy Club of Newtown will hold its Annual Holiday Party and Raffle via Zoom on Wednesday, December 13. The start time for this meeting will be 7:30 pm, but all are requested to sign in at 7:15 so that everyone can be admitted before the meeting begins at 7:30.

The always festive meeting will feature a sharing time when members will talk about their family holiday traditions, or a story about a favorite cherished decoration, or a research success.

This will be followed by a raffle of donated items. Members will be eligible for the raffle, and they must be in attendance to win.

Wear your favorite holiday sweater and enjoy some holiday treats and beverages.

All are welcome to attend. Those who are interested in participating via Zoom should send an email request by December 11 to genclubnewtownct.secretary@gmail.com, and include name and contact telephone number.

The Genealogy Club of Newtown will hold its Annual Holiday Party and Raffle via Zoom on Wednesday, December 13.
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