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The Computer Study Committee is recommending that the town approve about $620,000 — in addition to $50,000 previously set aside — for a computer system that will be used for many operations in the town government and schools. Different types of computers are already used in a number of town offices. The committee’s proposal would provide a uniform system for many offices, as well as providing computers to some offices where they are now lacking.


About half of Housatonic Cable Vision’s Phase III plan for Newtown has been completed, and some residents can expect to have a cable television before the end of the year, said a company spokesman this week. When Phase III is completed, 316 additional homes in Newtown will have access to cable television.


November 30, 1962

The Corner Cupboard, Colonial ice cream parlor and coffee shop, of which Mr and Mrs Wilfred Potter are proprietors, was officially opened this Monday, when First Selectman Charles W. Terrell, Jr, wielded the ceremonial shears and cut the ribbon marking the opening of Newtown’s latest new shop. Located on the West Street level of the bright, newly-remodeled Chase Building at 33 Main Street, at the Flagpole, the Corner Cupboard features Brock-Hall Old Colonial Ice Cream, and specializes in sundaes, sodas, milk shakes and Old Dutch coffee. Light lunches are served each day of the week, except Sunday.


Santa Claus has left the North Pole on his way to the Edmond Town Hall, where he will visit with the young folks at “Santa’s Workshop” in the gymnasium from 2 o’clock until 3:30 on Saturday afternoon, December 1. Santa, in his red velvet suit, will have a sack of little gifts, one for each child who sits on his knee and whispers in his ear the long Christmas lists.


Last Saturday evening an estimated 154 Newtown teenagers danced the evening away to the rhythmic beat of the “T-Birds” at the Edmond Town Hall Gym. Membership in the Teen Canteen is growing by leaps and bounds, and to date totals 306, including 14 new members at this Saturday’s dance. This alone shows the great appreciation the students have for these periodic dance activities. The next scheduled activity is a Record Hop, to be held on Saturday, December 8.


At the meeting Tuesday evening, attended by over 30 people, the Board of Education heard a detailed report from Joseph A. Ozanne, high school principal, on the desire for and possibility of a football team in the senior high school. The Jaycees polled over 700 high school students, receiving answers from 255, of whom 112 stated that they wanted football in the high school. One of the main considerations, according to Mr Ozanne, is the high cost of football over soccer, which is the top fall athletic program at the school at the moment. Soccer costs amount to about $350 per year, and in his estimates of projected costs for football, Mr Ozanne indicated that the initial costs might run as high as $5,000 per year. If the board approved, the school might possibly begin football in the fall of 1964, with scrimmage games only, and then go on to regularly scheduled games in 1965.


November 26, 1937

The Christmas Banquet committee of the Newtown Chamber of Commerce is busy on plans for the annual banquet which will take place on Thursday evening, December 16, in the Alexandria Room of the Edmond Town Hall. This year’s speaker will be Igor Sikorsky of Bridgeport, famed airplane designer.


The business known as Bevans’ Old Cabin Lunch, formerly conducted by “Al” Bevans and more recently by Bert Flammer, moved into its new quarters last week, on the opposite side of the street. The new place will be known as the Dodgingtown Inn and Bert J. Flammer has spared no expense in making his new place most inviting.


Mr and Mrs Martin Dodge of South Center district, who sailed from New York on September 8 as members of the American Legion Paris Pilgrimage, returning on November 5, have brought back with them an interesting account of their trip, as well as a picture of the Romagne cemetery in France where over 15,000 American soldiers lie buried.


Mrs Charles H. Peck of Fern Cottage in the Street, has taken an apartment at Hawley Manor, which is to be her permanent home. Mr Hunter will use Fern Cottage as the Hawley Manor Annex, with Mrs F.A. Stoddard in charge.


November 29, 1912

Mr and Mrs Starr, missionaries from Africa, attended the Methodist church, last Sunday morning. His address was intensely interesting, showing the wisdom, grace and patience, after learning the language, to bring out the people of that dark continent to a saving knowledge of the Lord. Notwithstanding all this, Mrs Starr said, with tear, that she would gladly go back and work for the Master there, if health was granted them after a year’s furlough.


Sam Nelevky is building an addition on the south side of his store in Huntingtown. There is some talk in Sandy Hook of organizing a brass band. A. Sherman moved this week, from Huntingtown to Sandy Hook.


All are cordially invited to attend a dance to be given at the home of Edwin T. Hook on Friday night, December 6, 1912, in honor or Edwin T. Hook and Charles F. Conger. All are welcome.


The Redding Fire Department of Redding Ridge have decided to give the people of Newtown the biggest surprise which they ever had regarding a first class entertainment. The entertainment will consist of a two-act farce entitled “That Troublesome Tramp.” They have also made arrangements with Oscar Hammerstein of New York City to loan them one of his best German comedians. The cost of admission is only 25 cents. Children, 10 cents. The date is Thursday evening, December 5, at 8 o’clock in the Town hall, Newtown.

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