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First Selectman Jack Rosenthal said he has gotten word from the managers of four major heating oil suppliers for Newtown "that from their experience in the oil business there should be enough oil to get through the winter." He said he received si



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First Selectman Jack Rosenthal said he has gotten word from the managers of four major heating oil suppliers for Newtown “that from their experience in the oil business there should be enough oil to get through the winter.” He said he received similar news from the state Office of Policy and Management, barring an interruption in supply from foreign sources, or an unusually severe winter.


Nearly two dozen golf carts stored in a shed at Rock Ridge Country Club were destroyed by fire which was reported early Monday morning, right after midnight. Also destroyed was some greens-keeping equipment stored in the shed. The men’s locker room, which abutted the shed, received smoke damage and some of the lockers and contents were burned. There is no estimate on the loss and damage as yet.


A letter outlining problems with the environmental control system at Head of Meadow School will be sent to various town officials by the Energy Committee. The committee’s decision to send the communication, made at its meeting Wednesday, came in the wake of an unsuccessful attempt by several members to address the system’s problems at a Head of Meadow PTA meeting last week.


Whether or not the Newtown school bus owner-operators will leave high school students off on opening day at the driveway entrance to the school on Route 34 instead of at the front door is still undecided. Angered by the number of speed bumps which were installed at the high school this summer and also the way they are constructed, the bus drivers (who own and maintain their own buses) have submitted a petition to the office of the superintendent and the school board saying that unless some of the bumps are removed and their contours are angulated smoother, the students will be left at Route 34 at the entrance to the driveway, and this policy will continue until the bus driver gets their wish.


Barrett Roofing & Supply Company of Danbury Inc got going on installation of a new flat roof at Sandy Hook Elementary School Tuesday, with the boon of good weather.


The first filing under state election laws for political campaign financing has been made in the office of Town Clerk Mae Schmidle. First Selectman Jack Rosenthal, Democratic candidate for a third term, filed August 24 a statement designating his wife, Annabelle, as principal campaign treasurer for the Committee to Re-elect Rosenthal. His son, Herb, was designated deputy principal campaign treasurer.


Newtown’s Summer Festival activities come to an end on Monday, September 3, with the annual Labor Day parade, and this year’s is lined up to be a big, gala one. The theme set by the Summer Festival Committee is “All Roads Lead to Newtown,” with 70 groups joining in to present a colorful and gala event.


Hurricane Carol, an unladylike cyclonic storm with a mind of her own, brushed her skirts over Newtown causing limited damage, mostly to the utility lines, as she left the off-shore course of her kind Tuesday morning, crossed Long island Sound and smashed through eastern New England. Causing devastation in eastern Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts unparalleled since the epic storm of Septmeber 1938, Carol failed to disrupt Fairfield County to the extent that her famous ancestor did.


The Riverside on Lake Zoar Association, Inc elected the following officers for the coming year at a meeting held on Sunday, August 29, in Riverside: Robert Freeston, president; Carol Marcella, vice-president; Patrick Riedy, treasurer; John Leonard, financial secretary; Harry Torp, recording and corresponding secretary, and Mrs Leslie Olmstead, trustee for three years.


The first of a two-game home-and-home series brought together Wednesday night at SAC Park Newtown’s two midget baseball teams, the Boys’ SAC and the Rotary-sponsored Newtown Indians, in a loosely-played six-inning contest which went to the SAC 7-2.


The Newtown Bowling League will commence its 1954-55 play on Tuesday evening on the Edmond Town Hall alleys with all 16 teams seeing action in the four sessions to be held nightly through Friday.


Schools in Newtown will open next Wednesday, September 8, with classes beginning at 8:50 am, Superintendent Carl A. LeGrow has announced. Kindergarten through sixth grade will attend Hawley School, with the exception of third grade pupils, who will attend the reopened Sandy Hook School. Grades seven through high school will attend Newtown High School. The total number of children registered for school through August 31 is 1,103, an increase of 125 over the number registered when school closed last June.


G. Herbert Beers of Church Hill Road, Henry G. Carlson of Liberty Garage, and J. Hobart Warner, assistant headmaster of Wooster School, Danbury, left Wednesday on a week’s fishing trip to Canada.


John McCarthy, 13-year-old son of Mr and Mrs John McCarthy of Walnut Tree Hill, won the coveted Stern Award at the annual benefit movie of the Boys Social and Athletic Club of Sandy Hook in Edmond Town Hall theatre last Thursday evening. The award, made annually, goes to the SAC member who has established an outstanding record in the previous 12 months in all phases of club work and play.

AUGUST 30, 1929

Work on the improvements on St Rose’s Church are well underway. The carpenter work is in charge of contractor T.F. Brew. It was found necessary to remove a large timber in the rear part of the church over the ceiling and the large window in the rear of the church.


Newtown and Sandy Hook will cross bats Sunday at Baxter’s field to settle the championship of the town.


Mrs Sarah Beers Mitchell and family returned home after a two week’s visit with Mr and Mrs Kurtz Wilson of Flushing, L.I.


Charles H. McLaughlin left Sunday for Cleveland, Ohio, where he will take the air photographs of the Cleveland Air Derby. Mr McLoughlin is in charge of the map department of the Photo Division of the Curtis Flying Service.


Mr and Mrs Walter L. Glover and son returned on Monday from a trip to Schenectady, N.Y., where they were guests of Mr and Mrs Edward Haight.


Miss Virginia Houlihan rturned on Thursday from a visit to Germany, France, and Belgium.


Mr and Mrs Eugene Peck are enjoying a motor trip to Canada. Before their return Mr Peck will stop off to see the governor general at Toronto to have a friendly little discussion on the prohibition issue.


Mrs J.W. Gordon has presented to the library at the Newtown High School a fine oak book case, a set of the Brittanica Encyclopedia bound in leather, 15 volumes from Wood’s library, and several German works.


Miss Elsie Botsford has been engaged to teach the graded school in Chester, Mass.


C.E. Blakeman has recently purchased a new portable saw mill.


About 25 were present at the Democratic caucus Saturday evening. Attorney Charles H. Northrop was made chairman and these delegates were elected to the state convention without opposition: Attorney Charles G. Morris, Jesse A. James, and Austin B. Blakeman.


One of the horses of E.C. Platt was badly cut on a barbed wire fence last week, necessitating the attendance of Dr R.S. Todd of New Milford.


The Hawleyville railroad station shines with a new coat of paint, outside and in.


Miss Edna Booth leaves next week for Northfield, Mass., where she will enter the seminary of that place for a course of study.


The picnic of the Congregational Sunday School at Putnam Park was attended Tuesday by 130 people. The wagons of Leonard Kendle, George R. Wilson, Leonard Nicholson, and E.S. Lovell and the Grand Central stage were used to convey the children.

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