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Given two words or less to describe Mrs Joan Fuest, we would do well to say merely, "She's nice." Allowed to stretch our description a bit more, we might add "friendly," for the new grants administrator responds quickly to questions and vol



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Given two words or less to describe Mrs Joan Fuest, we would do well to say merely, “She’s nice.” Allowed to stretch our description a bit more, we might add “friendly,” for the new grants administrator responds quickly to questions and volunteers information about herself in an open and friendly manner.


Simchath Torah, one of the most joyous holidays of the Jewish calendar, will be celebrated Thursday, October 2, with services at Temple Adath Israel at 6:30 pm. Simchath Torah, “Rejoicing with the Torah,” marks both the end of the reading of the Torah for one year as well as the beginning of the reading for the following year. This symbolizes the continuation of the people and temple from year to year.


A massive directory for all the businesses in the Newtown Business Park was erected Monday, September 29, at the corner of Commerce and Church Hill Roads. The sign which is constructed of cedar reinforced with steel, was designed and fabricated by Newbury Associates of Bethel.


Newtown High’s football players went a little easier on their coaches this past week against Brookfield — they only waited until the end of the third quarter to capitalize on a mistake and take the lead instead of doing their last minute routine.


George Arfaras, builder of Newtown’s newest sports complex — The Newtown Health and Racquetball Club — will introduce area residents to “Wallyball,” the latest in ball games, when the club opens this fall. Wallyball is played like volleyball except there is no “out of bounds”; the ball, then, may be played off the wall. It somewhat parallels the difference between tennis and paddle ball.


Mrs Paula Diehl of North Haven, the new part-time administrator at Nunnawauk Meadows, was welcomed to her new position with a supper planned by the residents and introduced to the Board of Directors of the Newtown Housing for the Elderly at a meeting on Monday, September 22.

Despite the constant urging of school board member Dr Gerard Brooker, the Board of Education denied a request to have an outside “troubleshooter” examine an ongoing problem at the Head O’ Meadow School with the air/heat ventilation system and fire alarms.

October 7, 1955

Edward J. Coleman of Hopewell District led the Republican ticket to a clear-cut victory in Monday’s biennial election as he defeated Jack Rosenthal, Democrat, for the first selectman’s post, 1,332 to 1,068.


Town Players-Play Shop is readying its first major production to be given at the little theatre on Orchard Hill Road. The cast is now in the final weeks of rehearsing “Mr Roberts” which will be produced on Wednesday, October 26, Thursday, October 27, Friday, October 28 and Saturday, October 29.


A treat is in store for those who attend the special showing of two motion pictures at Edmond Town Hall Thursday night, October 20. They are presented as a prelude to United Nations Day, the celebration of its tenth anniversary, October 24. Proceeds will go to the United Nations International Children’s Fund.


The members were delighted to learn that a picture of the SAC Pony baseball champs has been chosen to appear on the Newtown Community Birthday Calendar, sponsored by the Fellowcraft Quarry Number 51 of Hiram Lodge.


St John’s Guild of St John’s Church, Sandy Hook, will hold its annual harvest supper for the benefit of the church on Tuesday, October 18. Tickets for adults are $1.50, children 75 cents.


The Newtown Mothers Club will sponsor a ways and means bazaar on Monday, October 17 at 8 pm in the Alexandria Room of the Edmond Town Hall. Articles will be donated to the following tables: baked goods, crafts and handiwork, plant, white elephant, parcel post and Christmas table.


Construction work is progressing rapidly at The Bee office, extending a part of the west wall of the building to provide increased office space. Contractor John C. Stefanko and men of Sandy Hook are doing the work.

October 3, 1930

While the rain prevented a large attendance at the Chamber of Commerce meeting at the Edmond Town hall held last Thursday night, those who ventured out enjoyed one of the best addresses of the season by F.W. Orr of New Haven, one of the field secretaries of the State Chamber of Commerce.


The 75th annual statement of the Newtown Saving Bank shows deposits of $2,782,661.69, a gain for the year of $212,956.21, the largest in the history of the bank. The bank has had a prosperous year.


Once more, the boys in grammar school have been invited to attend the Yale-Maryland game as guests of the athletic association. Mr Cullens has received 30 free tickets and six leader passes.


MENDELSSOHN MALE CHORUS OF WATERBURY TO SING At Town Hall, Friday Night, October 3. Gene Supple’s Wandering Minstrels to Furnish Music For Dancing. The Young People’s Club of the Congregational church invite you to come to the Edmond Town hall, Friday evening, October 3, at 8 o’clock, to welcome again the Mendelssohn Male Chorus of Waterbury. They will sing many new numbers and some that never grow old.


Thomas M. White of Gray’s Plain was so unfortunate as to have 75 chickens stolen from his place early Sunday morning. That the bandits may be speedily arrested, and this sort of thievery stopped, is the wish of every good citizen.


Complete meals in cans and packages were suggested by Gordon C. Corbaley, president of the American Institute of Food Distribution, as the logical degree to which the rapidly expanding sections of the grocery store may be carried. Speaking at the closing session of the Boston conference on retail distribution, Mr Corbaley said the eventually the bulk of items on the American table would be prepared at central factories, while only the “special” dishes would be prepared by the housewife.

October 6, 1905

The hired man of Mr Durand on the Rogers place, while in the Street, bought a pair of new shoes. On the way home he lost one of them out of the wagon. The finder will please communicate with him.


F.E. Gilbert’s pet crow, “Peter,” is very ill. Although it is under home treatment, grave fears are entertained for its recovery.


A barn belonging to Michael McCarthy, near the Newtown cemetery, was burned to the ground, Saturday morning, about 2 o’clock. The origin of the fire is unknown.


D.I. Andrews, the genial shoe drummer, was in town, Tuesday, stopping at the Grand Central hotel.


As E.R. Botsford was driving, Saturday, near the residence of J.B. Parmelee, his horse fell down and died almost instantly.


NEWTOWN SAVINGS BANK Fifty Years Old. A Growing And Prosperous Institution. Deposits Now Reach the Splendid Total of $842,137.43. MOST GRATIFYING REPORT IN HISTORY OF BANK. Dividend Just Declared Was the One Hundredth Paid.

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