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Parks & Recreation Sets Tobacco/Smoke/Vape Policy



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Coming this fall are signs noticing a Tobacco/Smoke, and Vape-Free Parks Policy at town parks, adopted in the summer, and a policy now in place through the Newtown Parks & Recreation Department.

Department staff worked with the Western CT Alliance for Tobacco Free Communities to receive 26 signs to be placed at park locations for the start of the fall program season.

The policy promotes the health of residents using town parks, said Parks & Recreation Director Amy Mangold.

The policy affects all indoor and outdoor areas of the parks, including parking lots. Tobacco/Vape users can opt to either abstain or leave the grounds and parking lots to smoke, use tobacco, or vape.

Policies like this preserve the right to clean air, Ms Mangold said.

“Secondhand tobacco smoke is a serious health hazard, and research has found that it is dangerous in outdoor areas, too. There is no safe level of secondhand tobacco smoke. These policies also keep the parks and grounds more natural and beautiful.”

The policy statement says the town “is committed to a high quality of life for all residents.”

According to the statement, “Tobacco/smoke and vape product use in the proximity of young children, teenagers, or adults engaged in or observing recreational and leisure activities is unhealthy; tobacco/smoke products consumed in public places are often discarded on the ground, potentially posing a risk of ingestion to humans and wildlife, causing litter problems and brush fires. As parents, guardians, leaders, coaches, and officials, we are thought of as role models, and the use of tobacco/smoke and vape products around youth has a negative impact on their lifestyle choices.”

The policy establishes town facilities as smoke and vape free. “No person shall smoke, use tobacco, or vaping products at any Parks and Recreation facility or associated parking lots, including but not limited to the following recreation areas in Newtown: Dickinson Park, Lake Lillinonah, Treadwell Park, Eichler’s Cove beach and marina, Orchard Hill Preserve, Walnut Tree Hill field, Glander fields, the Park and Bark dog park, Oakview field, Liberty fields, Parks & Recreation areas at Fairfield Hills, trails, sports areas, High Meadow, the Victory Garden.”

Town staff will make periodic “observations to monitor compliance,” the policy states. Athletic associations and organizations that use the town-owned facilities “are committed to enforcing this policy during all scheduled activities and events.”

First Selectman Dan Rosenthal initially gave Ms Mangold the paperwork to move this policy forward. The policy has been a department goal shared with the Parks and Recreation Commission in recent years.

The incentive from the Western CT Alliance for Tobacco Free Communities “to give us the 26 free signs” if the policy was implemented “pushed us forward.” Ms Mangold said.

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