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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Town Turf Fields Still Closed



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Newtown Parks & Recreation has announced that the turf fields at Treadwell Park and Tilson Field will once again remain closed for at least another 24 hours, if not longer. The fields have not yet been opened for the season.

In an announcement issued early Wednesday afternoon, April 1, the town department said that as of today “approximately 20-25% of the surface is still frozen therefore the field is not safe to open. This primarily includes the corners and sideline areas directly adjacent to the edges.

“Based on the amount of daily progress, and the forecast temperatures, we do not anticipate opening tomorrow,” the announcement continued.

An updated announcement will be made on Thursday, April 2, by 2:30 pm.

NHS has been allowed use for of the fields for walk through drills only at this point, the department added. The fields are not to be used by the general public yet.

Snow and ice continues to cake the athletic playing fields, tennis courses and golf courses in town, as well as the playing fields at the public schools and the high school stadium. As a result, the NHS Athletics Department has been getting creative in its approach to spring sports tryouts and practices.

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