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Sibley Named SHVFR Outstanding Member, Officers Elected



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Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire & Rescue Company (SHVFR) conducted its annual meeting on June 6. During the Monday evening meeting, officer elections were conducted and Robert Sibley was named the 2022 Outstanding Member of the Year.

Sibley has been a member of the fire company since 2005. A former Engineer, he is currently the company’s Captain.

The committee that selected Sibley cited his excellent response to calls, and assistance in getting a new program for call reporting in place for the fire company.

According to a statement read during the meeting, Sibley “is always willing to help others, and he leads by example with intelligence, patience, and a strong work ethic.

“His calm demeanor is admired by his fellow firefighters, and very soothing to victims and patients, especially when he is the first to arrive at a scene,” the statement continued.

Sibley serves as chair of the company’s Audit and Bylaws committees.

His name will be added to a plaque at the fire company’s main station that already contains the names of those named Outstanding Member since the inception of the annual honor in 1998. Sibley was given a standing ovation upon the announcement of being named this year’s Outstanding Member, and also presented with a plaque.

Officers Elected

During the June 6 meeting, the following were voted into Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire & Rescue Company firefighting branch and administrative officer positions for the period of July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023:

Firefighting Branch — Chief, Bill Halstead, who will be entering his 45th year in that position; Deputy Chief, Anthony Capozziello; First Assistant Chief, Ryan Clark; Second Assistant Chief, Andy Ryan; Captain, Rob Sibley; Lieutenant, Stephen Clark; First Engineer, Tim Whelan; Second Engineer, Bruce Clark; EMS Captain, Karin Halstead; and Engineers: Scott Allen, Brian Engelke, Craig Kampmier, Kyle Keeping, Luke Loudon, John Moore, Leslie Richards, and Steven Stohl; and

Administrative Branch — President: Brad Richardson, entering his 22nd year in that position; Vice President: Archie Paloian; Secretary: Shannon Will; Treasurer: Karin Halstead; Assistant Treasurer: John Jeltema; and Commissioner: Tim Whelan.

During the meeting, Bill Halstead announced he would be retiring from his position of chief following his upcoming term.


Managing Editor Shannon Hicks can be reached at shannon@thebee.com.

Rob Sibley, center, has been named the 2022 Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire & Rescue Company Outstanding Member of the Year. Joining Sibley on June 6 were Engineers Brian Engelke, left, and Steven Stohl, who selected from nominations received and made the announcement during the fire company’s annual meeting. —Bee Photo, Hicks
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