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“Uncovering Joy: Trauma, Recovery & Empowerment”
October 26, 2019 at 07:00 pm
Start Time: 7:00 pm

Newtown Congregational Church, 14 West Street

$20 adults, $10 children

Trauma educator and author Molly Birkholm (co-author, Warriors at Ease) will share tools for transitions on life challenges and post-traumatic growth, then host Q&A, to be followed by yoga nidra guided by Joy Hoffman, BYO mat, two blankets and one washcloth, chair yoga also available, all proceeds to benefit Ben’s Lighthouse; 203-426-9024, newcong@sbcglobal.net, Eventbrite.com (keywords Trauma Newtown.CT).

Read more here: Uncovering Joy: Upcoming ‘Trauma, Recovery And Empowerment’ Talk Planned
