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Newtown Health District & Bethel VNA Flu Shot Clinic **APPOINTMENTS REQUIRED**
September 19, 2020 at 09:00 am
Start Time: 9:00 am || End Time: 12:00 PM

9 am-noon by appointment only

Newtown Community Center, 8 Simpson Street

Most insurance plans will be billed directly (bring insurance card), others can pay cash, check, health savings account, or debit or credit card, preservative-free, Quadrivalent for ages 6 and older, Flublock for ages 18 and over, and egg-free options available, preservative-free high-dose vaccine for age 65 and older available in limited supply

Contact Newtown Health District by 4 pm Friday for appointment and confirmation; 203-270-4291, Maureen.Schaedler@newtown-ct.gov.
