I wonder if you are capbale of making a comment without calling people names? I also wonder if you even know what 'nimby' stands for (the Borough is in all of our back yards - SMH)? Finally, I wonder if you are even aware that some well-funded neighbors did make an offer on the property, for 2X what the owners paid for it....and the greedy owner/developer wouldn't even come to the table to consider it.....
"Why should the rights of a landowner usurp the common good of the rest of the population and degrade the water, views, and traffic?" Simple - because the the landowner purchased the land and may dispose of it as they wish (in a manner consistent with zoning regulations). Feel free to get your nimby friends to pony up the cash, buy it and deed it over to the town.
An 8-30g project can be denied only on very narrow grounds – i.e., if it presents health, safety or other concerns that exceed a town’s need for affordable housing.
“projects cannot be rejected for incompatibility with a Town’s Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD); density; traffic congestion; height; aesthetics; concerns of neighbors or the community; and failure to comply with local zoning regulations.”
8-30g proposals are rarely denied by planning and zoning officials because the burden of proof on appeal is on the town. Appeals are costly, but a municipality can be successful in a court case if it has sufficiently established that the concerns leading to denial are factual and substantive.
By your own definition, wouldn't a boycott fall under the "protest" form of conflict resolution? Boycotts are peaceful protests that embody the freedom of expression codified in the First Amendment. Was Gandhi a bully when he instituted boycotts of British cloth and salt? The Republican victim mentality is getting exhausting.