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EDC Offering Emergency Preparedness Seminar, August 13



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Are you prepared for the next storm or potential emergency? The Newtown Economic Development Commission (EDC) will offer “Community Preparedness: Small Businesses and Families Leading the Way by Preparing Themselves,” a free seminar, on Tuesday, August 13.

The program will be presented in Newtown Municipal Center Council Chambers, 3 Primrose Street, from 8:30 to 10 am.

Attendees will learn how to prepare and protect themselves and their businesses in case of an emergency.

Among the topics to be covered with be: What is a business continuity plan? What is a disaster recovery plan?

*How does a small business create a plan easily and quickly?

*How can one plan cover such a wide variety of potential disasters?

*What help and guidance is available to create and maintain effective plans without a lot of bother?

*What should individuals and families do to prepare themselves and their loved ones for a disaster?

*What types of emergency backup power exist? (This is a key part of your Business Operations Continuity Plan.)

*What are the various types of backup power generation systems and components?

*How does the Town of Newtown get the community back up and running? and

*How will the Town of Newtown help businesses get up and running after the next emergency?

Seminar speakers will include Dr Ed Goldburg who manages Northeast Utilities’ Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Programs; Brian Mauriello, Kingsley Power Systems; as well as Bill Halstead, Maureen Will and Donna Culbert, the town’s fire marshal, director of emergency communications and heath director, respectively.

To register for the seminar, contact Betsy Paynter at 203-270-4281 or betsypaynter@newtown.org.

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