Former longtime Sandy Hook resident Charlene Paternoster, 78, passed away peacefully in Bridges Memory Care Assisted Living in Trumbull on December 2, 2024.
How is greed at the heart of this proposal? The 8-30 standard was originally established to provide affordable housing for those who are struggling to make ends meet. It's a vital tool for developers who face resistance from obstructive zoning departments—an issue that certainly reflects our current situation. While you may see it as greed, I see it as a step toward progress."
"not because I have anything to gain". Your stated address is directly across from the proposed development. Of course, you have something to gain by throwing any roadblocks you can into progress.
It really says something about this town that people believe a landowner would simply take a multi-million-dollar investment—one they’ve been paying taxes on every year—and just "turn it into protected space." I place the blame on the sensationalist NIMBY mob. I remember a time when people here respected the fact that landowners have rights. Honestly, the more I hear about this property, the more I hope it goes 8-30 and gets paved over entirely. An action that would be within their legal right, absent actual verifiable wetlands.
Mitch and Tony are currently being chastised online by local partisans for supporting a bill that absent it's approval PURA noted greenhouse gas emissions in the region would have increased by 25 percent. Cant please everyone I guess.