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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Tax Day Is Just One Of Many National Days



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There’s a day for everything, it sometimes feels like. Tax Day, which is April 15, is just one of them (and one of the least popular ones, being the deadline to file our state and federal taxes). All the national days can be fun ways to think about things you normally take for granted, or recognize things you might not be inclined to think about at all, or honor things that are important.

All of these days can be found online — for this editorial, nationaldaycalendar.com was used as a resource.

Those of you picking up a copy of this paper or reading this editorial online on April 11 are reading it on National Pet Day, a day dedicated to those pets who may not always get the companionship and attention pets deserve. While loving our pets is something we do every day, the observance encourages helping out orphaned pet companions. It will improve their health and enhance their opportunities for adoption.

April 11 is also National Submarine Day, honoring the day the United States Navy acquired its first modern commissioned submarine — on April 11, 1900, the Holland VI became the Navy’s first modern submarine.

For those of you who get your Newtown Bee in the mail on Friday, you are reading it on Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day, which recognizes it as one of the top comfort foods in the US. It is also Only Child Day, which recognizes every kid who grew up without siblings and only their parents to entertain them (God help their parents).

Saturday is Thomas Jefferson Day, as April 13 is his birthday, born in 1743. It is also Peach Cobbler Day and Scrabble Day.

Go out to your garden and get it ready for spring on Sunday, April 14, for Gardening Day, or maybe plan a day trip down to an aquarium such as Mystic Aquarium for Dolphin Day, or maybe just stare at the clouds or stars on Look Up At The Sky Day.

Don’t forget to file your taxes on April 15, but you could also clean up any errors on your 1040 form while recognizing the fun and practicality of Rubber Eraser Day.

Looking forward, April 18 is National Exercise Day, so go out for a hike, run, or to the gym for fitness; and April 19 is Garlic Day.

While April 20 is famous for a particular plant, it is also a day to recognize those who give of their time with Volunteers Day, Record Stores, and Cheddar Fries.

Earth Day is April 22; and looking further out, First Ladies Day is April 27, National Superhero Day is April 28, and April 30 is an honor of an animated wascally wabbit, as it’s Bugs Bunny Day.

Lastly, you may see the editor of The Bee with a towel around his neck next month on May 25 — that’s National Towel Day, a day in honor of British author Douglas Adams, who wrote The Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy and its sequel books. It’s important to be seen as someone who knows where his towel is.

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1 comment
  1. phydeaux says:

    And election day needs to be a National holiday. NO early voting, no mail in, no absentee without a valid, provable reason. Especially not “ranked choice”.

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