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Juvenile Arrested On Drug Dealing Charges



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Police report that at about 2:30 am on Thursday, August 9, while on patrol, police Officer Steven Siecienski observed and then stopped a vehicle that had defective lighting equipment, while it was traveling on Church Hill Road, near Queen Street.

After stopping the vehicle, the police officer noticed a strong odor of burning marijuana emanating from the auto. Police noted that both the male driver and his passenger were under age of 18. Due to their age, police did not disclose the youths’ identities.

After investigating, police arrested the passenger, who lives in Newtown, charging the passenger with illegal possession of marijuana and with possession of marijuana with intent to sell.

In the incident, police seized 8.5 ounces marijuana, a drug scale, packaging materials, and two marijuana grinders.

Also, police said they issued the driver an infraction for driving a vehicle with defective rear marker plate lighting and for violating nighttime passenger restrictions, which are in effect for young drivers.

Police released both juveniles into the custody of their parents

The August 9 incident is not related to a similar incident that occurred on July 25.

On July 25, police arrested an underage boy on multiple drug charges after they spotted the vehicle that he was driving on Church Hill Road had its headlamps off at 11:23 pm. That vehicle carried four passengers under age 18.

Charges lodged against the unidentified driver included illegal possession of a controlled substance, possession with intent to sell a controlled substance, possession with intent to sell a hallucinogenic substance, and possession of drug paraphernalia. Police estimate the drugs’ value at approximately $5,000.

That boy was issued a Juvenile Court appearance date to answer the charges.

A photo shows the half-pound-plus of marijuana, a scale, packaging material, and marijuana grinders that police seized on August 9 from an underage youth who was traveling in a vehicle on Church Hill Road. —Newtown Police photo
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