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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

An Important Decision To Make



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To the Editor:

Voters in Newtown’s 106th district have an important decision to make. We are blessed that two candidates are running who have demonstrated a commitment to serving the citizens of Newtown and have done so effectively. That said, I feel that the incumbent, Mitch Bolinsky, is the better choice, and I strongly endorse his re-election. Mitch has accomplished much in Hartford, and because he has served three terms, his influence, knowledge, and relationships are much deeper, as is his ability to deliver for the citizens of Newtown.

As an unaffiliated voter, I don’t vote along party lines. It’s important to remember, though, that our state’s economy has been very negatively affected by Gov Malloy’s mismanagement and arrogant commitment to an agenda very few people want (ex, trying to eliminate school funding to towns in the middle of a budget year, and pushing very hard to spend $10 million that we don’t have to study tolls because the $5 million he spent on the last toll study didn’t produce the answers he wanted). It was only after the Republican party reached an 18-18 tie in the Senate that leaders of the minority party were included in budget discussions, and, for the first time in a generation, a bi-partisan budget was crafted.

Mitch is a leader and on the correct side of many issues. It is critical that Mitch be returned to his seat because he’ll fight to ensure that balance is retained in both legislative chambers. Neither party has cornered the market on ideas; without multiple perspectives, we’ll never develop solutions to put our beautiful state back on the track toward economic health. We need to stay the course for fiscal responsibility and a common sense, collaborative approach to solving Connecticut’s problems. I encourage Newtowners to join me in voting for Mitch Bolinsky on November 6.

Robert Morey

42 The Boulevard, Newtown September 5, 2018

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