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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Bolinsky Endorsed By Connecticut Realtors



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State Representative Mitch Bolinsky (R-106), was again endorsed for re-election by Connecticut Realtors, the state’s leading voice for residential and commercial real estate, representing more than 17,000 members statewide.

Michael Barbaro, President of Connecticut Realtors, wrote to Rep Bolinsky, “We are pleased to relay our Association has voted to endorse your candidacy for Connecticut’s 106th State House District… The Association carefully evaluates candidates in determining who may best ensure there is a positive environment for living in or transferring property in Connecticut. Real estate is essential to economic recovery and stability in the state and nation and helps to build communities.”

In receiving the endorsement, Rep Bolinsky commented, “I’m very grateful to have, for the fourth time, earned the endorsement of Connecticut Realtors. I always refer to the real estate business as our earliest economic indicator. As real estate goes, so does the entire economy, whether on a national, state, or local basis. It’s up to us in the legislature to ensure realtors have the best possible Connecticut to sell.

“Right now, our state is not participating in a national real estate boom for the same reasons our economy is lagging,” he continued. “But we can engineer a turnaround for real estate and for the whole economy by restoring fiscal predictability and affordability so families and businesses can again invest, grow, and prosper here. I believe this can only happen by reversing the outflow of employers, jobs, and families and stimulating the creation of new, good-paying jobs and equal access to the skills needed by a population ready to seize new opportunities.”

Rep Bolinsky concluded, “Everyone in Connecticut wants a robust economy, and property owners deserve a fair return on their real estate investment.”

Rep Bolinsky said his plan to revitalize the state will focus on:

*Lower gross taxes on families and businesses, while increasing net state revenues by restoring job and population growth;

*Make the state business-friendly by scaling back burdensome regulations and nuisance fees;

*Keep moving forward on reforms to change the cost structure of government, eliminate waste, and increase efficiency. Government should serve us, not the other way around;

*Invest in better roads, bridges, and rails without blanket tolling of our highways; and

*Renewing our focus on quality education in all communities and workforce development.

Rep Bolinsky is a three-term member of the Legislature’s House Republican Caucus and is serving as an Assistant Republican Leader in the General Assembly.

He serves on the budget-writing Appropriations Committee, the Education Committee, and the Aging Committee. And he is a founding member of caucuses that advocate for folks with intellectual disabilities, school safety, and firefighters.

Newtown’s incumbent Republican State Representative Mitch Bolinsky (center) is pictured with Connecticut Realtors during a recent event at the Shubert Theater in New Haven. —photo courtesy Mitch Bolinsky
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