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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

‘Mitch For Newtown’



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To the Editor:

I write as a concerned citizen, expressing my support for Mitch Bolinsky’s re-election campaign. Mitch is Newtown’s caring, productive state representative.

As a 5-year Newtown resident and 15-years-plus investment asset liability management professional, I know finance. In the years I’ve known Mitch personally, he has proven to be a man that both understands financial responsibility and places the needs of Newtown and Connecticut above self.

This guy is genuine and loves people. People who know me understand I love genuine people. Political affiliation, origin, and status are secondary. My friends know I am more than a proud conservative, finance guy, and businessman. I am, above all, a family guy. I worry about the basics: the well-being of my three-daughters, efficiently funding their schools, and their success at Hawley and Reed Intermediate.

You cannot go wrong with Mitch Bolinsky. Vote for the best person, regardless of party. Mitch is the right candidate; you only need review his record. The list of his accomplishments is too long to list in this letter. I’m inspired by his hard work to get Newtown its fair share of state resources. Last year, he led the fight and restored $11 million of public school, special education, and town money taken by the governor. In the past, he helped secure school safety grants for private schools like St Rose and Children’s Adventure Center.

Mitch offers genuine, pragmatic, and honest insight into our lovely community’s problems and needs. He listens closely to concerns and rises above the unproductive political discourse we see in Washington. That sets him apart from the other candidate’s predictable partisan chatter.

Today, I spread the word to others who care about Newtown’s future. In November, please join me and vote “Mitch for Newtown.”

Armel Romeo Kouassi

8 Briarwood Lane, Newtown         September 12, 2018

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