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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

A Newtown Guy Who Works Tirelessly For All



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To the Editor:

I am writing to endorse our State Representative Mitch Bolinsky for re-election. Mitch is a Newtown guy that works tirelessly for all of us.

Mitch fought the hard fight and beat Malloy’s money grab when the Governor cut Newtown’s state education money to zero and made a large reduction in town road money. All that money was Newtown’s budgeted share of tax dollars we all pay to the state. Without that money, Newtown taxpayers would have had to come up with an additional $11 million in tax revenue. Mitch squashed the cuts. That’s what an effective state rep does. He keeps promises and holds others to theirs.

Mitch also brought home millions of dollars in grant money helping Newtown families with mental health needs as well as other grants to benefit families and our town. Mitch is always advocating for Newtown.

He has a common sense approach regarding the state of Connecticut’s budget. Stop spending more than you make. He has proposed a full plan to turn Connecticut’s economy around, lower taxes, and regrow our state to be more affordable and robust with new opportunities and jobs.

On November 6, it’s our choice. Mitch’s pro-growth, more affordable Connecticut — investing in workforce development, jobs, and opportunity — or the usual “tax & spend” his opponent favors. The latter’s already chased too many employers and good people from our borders because of increasingly high taxes and lost opportunities.

Please join my family in sending an experienced, caring, and most of all, PRO-Newtown State Representative back to Hartford.

Phil Carroll

Fieldstone Drive, Newtown     October 1, 2018

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