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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Representing With Caring And Honor



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To the Editor:

Mitch Bolinsky is a smart, thoughtful, and passionate representative with an innate ability to bring people together and break down barriers that divide them. Among the numerous challenges facing our state is the need to help people who have not been included in the economic recovery. Mitch has been a champion for job seekers and families pursuing a better life, employers that endeavor to grow their enterprises, and a compassionate advocate for vulnerable populations.

As the leader of southwestern Connecticut’s workforce development board, I am grateful for his extraordinary support for the state’s long-term unemployed and holistic approaches to help people regain a financial foothold. Mitch is a frequent visitor to our job training classrooms to share his personal story of perseverance, which instills optimism and confidence in others. I have thought about his remarks and leadership on many occasions and appreciate his candor.

Mitch’s advocacy for education, economic development, and setting partisanship aside for the betterment of our state has made the difference for hundreds of households. He has been a leader in workforce training, and you can see his commitment to these important issues as he strives to help make government programs more efficient, with greater capacity, and inclusive of diverse partners.

A significant factor in the success of the job seekers and employers my organization serves is the support and assistance from Connecticut legislators like Mitch, who understands the importance of stable, balanced leadership. He recognizes that long-term solutions can only come from a unified approach based on working relationships of trust and good faith.

I am honored to call Mitch my friend. He is a strong, compassionate leader who can help build more vibrant communities.

Joseph M. Carbone

President and CEO, The WorkPlace

350 Fairfield Avenue, Bridgeport         October 5, 2018

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