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Winner Handed The Keys To Her Ford Mustang



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Winner Handed The Keys To Her Ford Mustang

Donna Buchelt of Torrington was vacationing when her name was drawn as the winner of the 2008 Newtown Lions Club Mustang Raffle. Upon her return, she was given the keys to the shiny blue 1966 convertible, just in time to enjoy the last few warm days of autumn.

Ms Buchelt, a cook, and her companion, Roger Jacquemin, a retired trucker, are old car buffs. He has a restored 1957 Chevy Belair and a 1934 Ford pickup truck. Ms Buchelt said they would share the Mustang.

The winning ticket was purchased in July at a car show and fireworks display in Canaan. Ms Buchelt said she had seen the car at several other events and was drawn to it because she loved the color and because Mr Jacquemin has always been a strong supporter of the Lions.

This year’s Mustang Raffle was a tremendous success, according to the Newtown Lions. Approximately 6,000 tickets were sold, enabling the Lions to continue supporting more than 50 local and national charities and projects.

The Mustang Raffle is the largest fundraising activity for the local Lions club each year.

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