Climate Change Is Propaganda
Climate Change Is Propaganda
To the Editor:
It has been suggested recently that Newtown residents are living in a cocoon, not addressing greater concerns outside of their home town. In agreement I will add this cocoon will not protect Newtown residents from what is happening in our federal government and around the world. However, the corruption at the federal level has discreetly and incrementally infiltrated our local governments and we do need to be diligent as to what is actually happening at this level, for instance, the carefully positioned people influencing us to spend more tax dollars on things we donât need abusing our property rights, with the end game to impoverish us and gain more control.
Besides the unconstitutional health care bill written by the insurance companies (owned by the banking cartel) who will make billions by forcing us to give them our hard-earned money whether we like it or not, we now have another assault on our freedoms by this same international banking cartel, that of the Copenhagen Treaty. The treaty is based on propagandized climate concerns that will enforce private, corporate, unelected. and tyrannical global governance taxing us into oblivion. This is the largest scam the planet has ever seen with Al Gore peddling his faulty science drivel of global warming around the world. For anyone who has two brain cells to rub together, taxing us for exhaling is beyond insane. Carbon dioxide is part of the life-giving carbon cycle and does not drive temperature. We are in fact in a global cooling period which is why the new propaganda has been relabeled climate change.
True environmental issues are not the concern of this cartel. They have instead an evil agenda to deindustrialize the West and depopulate the planet through sterilization and starvation. Recently the global warming hoax has been confirmed by a whistle lower that leaked files onto the Internet from the University of East Angliaâs Climate Research Unit. Evidence of âhiding the declineâ and tricks to discredit real scientists that question global warming are some of what is revealed in these files. Although this exposure known as Climategate caused a hiccup for this evil cartel in their plans for world government, it has not stopped them. An agreement to meet again in Mexico to establish a global world governing structure has been signed. Our dictator Obama announced he would circumvent congress in order to implement this new system, of course, he owns part of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange selling carbon credits. This is treasonous! For more information on the climate change scam, go to or or
 Corporate gangsters have taken over our government and are setting up a classical tyranny. In 2010 vote only for constitutional candidates! Get Dodd out of office! Dump Chris Murphy! Learn how our constitution is being trampled, go to and
Babette Lagnese
9 Pebble Road, Newtown                                       December 29, 2009