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COVID Test Kits Going Out January 2 To Newtown Residents With Reservations



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After a delayed delivery and distribution modifications that stymied both residents and officials last week, some qualified Newtown households will begin receiving free rapid COVID-19 test kits on Sunday, January 2.

Only residents who received an e-mail confirmation after registering online last week will be qualified for a scaled-back distribution of one kit containing two rapid tests. The original plan was to allow up to two kits - containing two tests each - per authorized registrant.

The town's Emergency Management office has received enough kits from the state to distribute one kit - containing two tests - to each individual who successfully registered and received a confirmation last week, Health District Director Donna Culbert told The Newtown Bee on New Year's Day.

Culbert told The Bee any resident who received an email authorizing a pick-up during a scheduled time frame December 31 must report to the Reed Intermediate School during that same time frame on Sunday, January 2. Upon verifying registration and residency information, qualified residents will receive one test kit, even if they originally requested two.

Residents with confirmed pick-ups will be or have received additional correspondence from the town on January 1.

"We know this has been challenging for everyone, we appreciate all the support and patience that we have received for a not-ideal situation," said emergency management officials in a statement last week after learning the planned December 31 dispensing of COVID tests would not be happening.

"We will communicate news about additional test kits and masks coming in to the community in the coming days and/or weeks when we receive it, the notification continued.

"If you haven’t already, please sign up for News and Announcements on the Town of Newtown website, visit newtown-ct.gov and on the lower right hand side of the page click on 'Subscribe to Our Mailing List' where you can enter your email address and select the type of info you would like to receive," the advisory stated. "At a minimum check News and Announcements."

Culbert stressed that every person with a confirmation has one kit reserved for pick-up on January 2.

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1 comment
  1. phydeaux says:

    That went well! a big THANK YOU, to all those who organized, and staffed the line!!! What a great town!

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