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A year ago, many people thought that New Year's Day might be accompanied by a breakdown in the world's technological systems, causing power shortages and computer glitches. As it turned out, nothing happened. The doomsayers, however, warned that



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A year ago, many people thought that New Year’s Day might be accompanied by a breakdown in the world’s technological systems, causing power shortages and computer glitches. As it turned out, nothing happened. The doomsayers, however, warned that the real millennium would take place on December 31, 2000.

So when Jerry Valenta awoke to a cold house this New Year’s Day, he was sure that the doomsayers had been right. He was all ready to fire up his generator, when he suddenly realized that although the house didn’t have any heat, there was electricity. It turned out that the oil company had forgotten to fill his tank.

The General Store has begun to fax out daily menus including a question of the day that, if answered correctly, gives the customer a free soda with lunch. One day this week the question was “Where is the US flag flown 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, but it hasn’t been seen close up for 25 years?” Staff in the first selectman’s office were mulling the question over but Jan Andras knew the answer right away: On the moon. Jan’s family reports that she always knows all the answers to the Jeopardy questions, too.

Hugh Lavery, Jr, has been home for his winter break from the University of Connecticut Medical School, and he’s brought a buddy with him. Actually, he brought a skull home with him so be could memorize the bones. The skull is in a box and Hugh is more than willing to show it to anyone who asks.

Newtown residents of all ages are invited to take advantage of the free flu vaccine clinic that is being held this Saturday from 9 am to noon in the old courtroom on the lower level of Edmond Town Hall. The clinic is being sponsored by the Visiting Nurse Association of Newtown.

On Monday, the American Red Cross is coming to town for a blood drive that is very critical because blood supplies dropped significantly during the holidays. The drive is set for 8:30 am to 6:45 pm in the hall of the United Methodist Church on Church Hill Road in Sandy Hook. It is being sponsored by the Newtown Lions Club and the Newtown Woman’s Club.

Pat Anzellotti and George Mattegat were tickled when sixth graders from Wisconier Middle School in Brookfield and their teacher Nancy Rodriguez showed up at the Newtown dog pound recently with gifts – dog food, dog biscuits, and money. Pat said the gifts are very much appreciated and it was especially nice of the Brookfield students to help the pound in Newtown.

Many of those who witnessed last Saturday’s barn fire at the Foxview Farm on Hundred Acres Road compared it to the 1980 fire that destroyed the Yankee Drover on Main Street. Last weekend’s fire saw flames shoot as high as 80 feet in the air, prompting curious onlookers to get out of their cars to see what was happening. At one point, the police were called to the scene to ticket those cars blocking traffic.

Speaking of the fire, Mark Svanda ended up doing his part to help out the firemen who worked through the night. Mark was grocery shopping when Bill McAllister recruited him to transport 30 pizzas from the Pizza Villa to the scene.

I noticed the marquee in front of Edmond Town Hall now has larger letters. That way, according to theater manager Tom Mahoney, you don’t have to slow down when you try to see what movie is playing as you drive by.

For what is believed to be the first time ever, two women were out plowing Newtown’s roads this past weekend. The new drivers are Sally Coad of the highway department and Linda Bradley of Parks & Recreation.

For those looking to escape a case of cabin fever, the place to be last weekend was the hill behind the Cioffoletti residence at 32 Lake Road, where kids and adults created a fine toboggan run. Dozens of daring souls braved the icy slope and lived to tell about it.

Members of the Newtown school board met for the first time Tuesday night at Canaan House, the new home of the school district’s central offices. The space is much larger than that of the former home on Queen Street, which the staff is enjoying very much.

School board member Lisa Schwartz, who usually purchases a soda before the meeting, had to settle for a glass of water Tuesday night. Why? Because the soda machine had not made the move to Canaan House yet. Plus the old machine will be replaced with a newer, more up-to-date version. Usually that means more money for a soda, but Superintendent John R. Reed believes the price should remain the same. I believe it was under 75 cents for a soda on Queen Street.

After the meeting, vice chairman Vince Saviano asked that the clock be put on the wall at the exact same spot it was at the Queen Street meeting room. Sometimes too much change at one time can cause some undue stress. Dr Reed recommended a battery operated one that could be placed directly in front of Mr Saviano.

The clock on my wall says my deadline is here, so that will be all for this week. Be sure to…

Read me again.

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