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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA

Legislators Announce State FundsFor MCCA Facility



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Legislators Announce State Funds

For MCCA Facility

State Senator David Cappiello (R-24), on behalf of several other state and local officials, recently announced that the state Bond Commission would award $808,291 to the Mid-Western Connecticut Council on Alcoholism (MCCA) for costs related to the construction of a new residential facility in Danbury. The new building will be used to treat mental health and substance abuse issues affecting teenagers.

In the past, MCCA’s treatment had been predominantly focused on adults. “We were happy that we could respond to the increased demand for these services among Connecticut youths,” said Joseph Sullivan, president and CEO of MCCA. “I am grateful for the strong support the organization has received, not only for this project, but throughout the years from elected officials at both the state and local level.”

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