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When Disaster Struck



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When Disaster Struck

To the Editor:

Last Saturday, during the snow storm, a disaster struck the Robert Holmes property on Hundred Acres Road. Their horse barn and everything in it burned up. Loaded with hay, it wasn’t long before the whole structure was a roaring fire.

This letter is to thank all the fire companies involved for their nine to ten hour battle to bring the fire under control.

I also wish to thank the  huge number of horse people and friends for their many calls offering stalls, comfort, tack, and help in transporting the horses to a temporary home. Their immediate response to a situation that all horse owners fear is a  wonderful example of the horse community pulling together in an emergency.

Again, heartfelt thanks to all who kept the phones ringing with offers of help.

David A. McCauley

8 Rock Ridge Road, Newtown                              January 12, 2001

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