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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Senator Hwang: Say 'No' To Rate Increase



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To the Editor:

We need policies which keep Connecticut residents in Connecticut, not drive them out.

That's why I spoke out against:

*Last year's double digit health insurance rate hikes.

*Last year's suggested Home Heating Oil Tax.

*The proposed 30 percent United Illuminating energy rate hikes in 2016.

And now, in 2018, I'm speaking out against proposed Eversource rate hikes. The proposed rate increase would add $13.69 per month to electric bills for the typical residential customer. That's more than $150 a year.

Current energy costs in Connecticut are the highest in the nation. These potential hikes are unacceptable and unaffordable.

I am urging consumers to join me in urging that state of Connecticut regulators to turn out the lights on these proposed hikes. When you contact state officials, ask them where predictability has gone. Also, ask them where transparency has gone.

Without predictability, sustainability, and transparency, we have an unfair situation which hurts Connecticut families.

Ask them how elderly residents on fixed incomes, struggling families, and our most vulnerable population are supposed to endure that outrageous cost increase? They cannot endure it. We need to protect them.

Please spread the word to friends and neighbors as to how they can weigh in. Join me in speaking out.

Contact the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA):

1. Send a brief e-mail to PURA.ExecutiveSecretary@ct.gov saying "No" to rate hikes

2. Copy me on the e-mail at Tony.Hwang@cga.ct.gov. I will hand deliver your comments to state officials.

3. Put PURA Docket No. 17-10-46 in the subject line.

Public Hearings for testimony are scheduled for:

*January 24, 6 pm, 10 Franklin Square, New Britain.

*January 30, 6 pm, Government Center, Stamford.

*January 31, 6 pm, Branford Fire Department, Branford.

*February 6, 6 pm, Council Chambers, New London.

It's our money. Let them know it. Say "No".

Senator Tony Hwang, Dist 28

300 Capitol Avenue, Hartford         January 3, 2018

Comments are open. Be civil.

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