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Read-A-Lution Challenge Begins At Booth Library



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With a new year comes new resolutions, and the C.H. Booth Library is no exception as it starts its read-a-lution challenge to encourage residents to read a variety of genres in 2019.

According to the library’s announcement of the 2019 Reading Challenge for Adults, it is designed to help participants “Read broadly. Read widely. Read for fun.”

IT Librarian Olivia Scully worked with Head of Reference Librarian Amy Schumann and a team to help launch the new initiative. She explained, “This challenge is meant as a fun, relaxed invitation for folks to try something new in their reading this year… We’ve designed this reading challenge to ease readers into a theme or genre they wouldn’t normally even consider, with titles that are especially enjoyable or surprising in a genre.”

Each month will have a different theme where, if completed, the reader can be eligible for grand prize raffles.

This month’s theme is called “As Told By…” and can be accomplished by reading or listening to a collection of personal essays, a biography, or a memoir.

Some examples of books for January’s theme, Ms Scully said, could be celebrity Mindy Kaling’s funny memoir, Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? or a graphic novel like the March trilogy by John Lewis. The library will have a suggested list of titles for each month’s theme, but the lists are not required reading.

“In February, readers can look forward to reading about relationships — but if you’re not a fan of Valentine’s Day, you can skip the romance and look for something about family, friendship, or even our relationships with nature and society,” Ms Scully said. “Then, in honor of March Madness, we will invite participants to read a book related to sports or athletes.”

The C.H. Booth Library asks that readers log their book for the month’s theme and visit the library, 25 Main Street, to receive their reward, while supplies last. January’s prize is a library tote bag.

“This challenge is geared toward our adult readers, and our curated lists will focus on titles that adults will enjoy,” Ms Scully said.

“Of course, if a young adult wants to participate,” she added, “or if child wants to follow along with their parent, the library welcomes all readers.”

For more information on how to participate in the C.H. Booth Library’s 2019 Reading Challenge for Adults, visit [naviga:u]chboothlibrary.org[/naviga:u] or call 203-426-4533.

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