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Snapshot: Sergeant William Chapman, Newtown PD



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Occupation: I am the Newtown Police Community Services Sergeant. I’ve been a Newtown Police Officer since January of 2008. I spent about seven years as a patrol officer, working primarily 4 pm to midnight shifts. Then I spent about seven years as a School Resource Officer at Newtown Middle School before being promoted to Sergeant in August of this year.

Pets: No pets currently, but I love dogs, especially pit bulls. I had a pit bull for 13 years that we rescued from the Newtown Dog Pound, but we unfortunately had to say goodbye last year.

What do you like to do in your free time? I love to play hockey, even though I didn’t discover it until late in life. Side note: Folks can be on the lookout for our annual “Bender Classic” hockey game to benefit the Special Olympics! I am also actually a big fan of LEGO; I find a lot of peace in it. Also, I love to tell awful puns and dad jokes and then immediately explain them. For example, if you read the previous sentence about Lego out loud.

If you could spend the day with one person, who would you choose and why? As an adult, I’ve really come to value and appreciate the adult relationship I’ve been blessed to have with my grandfather and up until fairly recently, my grandmother. That said, I lost my other grandparents when I was much younger, and I often think how cool it would be to talk to them now and reflect on all the ways that their lives and the lessons learned from them will continue to impact our family for generations to come.

Who is your favorite musical artist? I love listening to and playing music, and I appreciate almost anything. If I had to simplify it more I’d say I was raised a Neil Diamond fan, and I listen to Stevie Ray Vaughn if I’m working around the house or on the car. At the gym or while I’m driving I’m mostly enjoying the golden age of hip hop: the late 90s to early 2000s. Starting after Thanksgiving of course it’s The Rat Pack, Bing Crosby, and Elvis Presley Christmas music almost all the time.

What is the greatest piece of advice you have ever been given? I’ve been blessed to have so many grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, friends, and mentors in my life that this question is impossible. But I suppose there’s a good piece of advice in that: Don’t take for granted opportunities to learn from people who are taking advantage of opportunities to teach you something.

What is something you cannot live without? On a superficial level? Coffee. On a little deeper level? Family, friends, and community.

What is your proudest accomplishment? When I hear my kids beg me to help with Toys for Tots or a food drive. Sometimes I’ll hear them talking about their frustrations with injustice in the world or I see them exhibit selflessness, compassion, and empathy naturally without being prompted (in between bouts of wrestling and throwing Hot Wheels at each other), I feel like maybe I’m doing something right.

What is a meal/recipe your family has passed down to you? My brother-in-law was gracious enough to teach me the Arroz con Gandules recipe handed down to him by his grandmother from Puerto Rico. It’s scratched onto two index cards above my microwave, but should probably be in a museum. I could eat it by the pound.

What is a tradition your family does that is important to you? My grandfather (still living) was an avid collector of Hudson cars. He used to have get-togethers at his house and there would be a hundred Hudsons and other classic cars from all over New England lined up everywhere, and all the adults would be standing around chatting and laughing at all the kids running around (while also panicking that we’d scratch a car). Some of my fondest childhood memories are from his “Hudson meets.” I don’t know if it is necessarily a “tradition,” but now anytime I’m standing in a driveway with a cup of coffee chatting with relatives and watching the kids play I feel like everything is going to be all right.

What would you like The Newtown Bee to cover in the future? There is so much talent, potential, and positivity in this town. It has been such a joy and honor to see so much of it in the schools, especially over the years. I love anytime there is coverage of some of the unique and impressive ways that our kids are trying to impact their world for the better.

Sergeant William Chapman is The Newtown Bee's most recent Snapshot profile. —photo courtesy Sergeant William Chapman
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