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Winter Chorus Rehearsal Shines At HOM



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The band jammed to “Hot Chocolate” from the movie The Polar Express on January 9 as younger grades from Head O’ Meadow Elementary School filed in, and patiently waited for the big kids to sing.

As they silently reviewed material for the Winter Chorus Concert, fourth graders seated on stage steps mimed drinking hot chocolate, an interpretive movement for the song.

Soon, it was time for Head O’ Meadow Principal Tim Napolitano to break the anticipation. Napolitano reminded the audience they will one day stand where the fourth graders were standing, performing before the school.

Music educator Cynthia Holberg began the show, allowing student speakers to welcome the room. Students introduced each song with some background about winter favorites such as “Over the River and Through the Woods.”

Students sang expressively, focusing on Holberg who directed the chorus as they moved, clapped, and added sleigh bell accents. The event was a spirited rehearsal for the concert that occurred in the evening, attended by parents and family.

The chorus was accompanied by Jim Allen on mandolin and Jonathan Pope on piano. This band, later including James Allen on drums, appeared at the evening show, as well as at the Sandy Hook Winter Chorus Concert on Thursday January 12 at 7 pm.

Reporter Noelle Veillette can be reached at noelle@thebee.com.

Cynthia Holberg sits in the director’s chair, leading Head O’ Meadow fourth grade in a triumphant fist to punctuate the choral piece.
Head O’ Meadow fourth graders sing “Over the River and Through the Woods” directed by Cynthia Holberg, accompanied by a band and the bright accents of a student percussionist playing the sleigh bells.
Jim Allen (mandolin) and Jonathan Pope (piano) play a lively musical interlude beside the Head O’ Meadow chorus waiting as younger grades take their seats in the audience.
Two student speakers introduce a song to the audience of the Head O’ Meadow Winter Chorus Rehearsal.
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