Discusses Legislators’ Voting Records
To the Editor:
Our legislators Mitch Bolinsky and Tony Hwang assure us they are committed to protecting the environment but are they voting as if they do?
The Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV) is a non-partisan statewide nonprofit dedicated to protecting the Connecticut environment by making it a priority in the state legislature.
Throughout the legislative session, they track lawmakers’ votes and send regular updates to legislators about the bills on their watchlist to be sure the pro-environment position is clear before any votes are cast. Annually legislators are issued a scorecard based on their voting record. In 2023 Mitch Bolinsky received a score of 61% and even worse only 29% in 2024.
He voted against a major climate protection act and against promotion of solar energy in schools, including a financing program. Tony Hwang received a score of 88% in 2023 but only 60% in 2024. Neither achieved even a passing grade for 2024! It is all too easy to say one supports the environment, but the proof is in the voting record. Constituents are looking for legislators who will be committed and fight for our children’s right to a clean environment. So far neither of our legislators has distinguished himself as such. Giving lip service to environmental concerns is not good enough.
One need only look to the devastation in California — time is running out. We must hold our legislators accountable for each and every vote they cast.
It’s a new year. Let us hope 2025 is the year Mitch Bolinsky and Tony Hwang see their way clear to getting A grades on their environmental scorecards — or we should consider new candidates in the next election cycle, who will truly make the environment a priority.
Joan Ellen Gereg
Sandy Hook
Mitch and Tony are currently being chastised online by local partisans for supporting a bill that absent it’s approval PURA noted greenhouse gas emissions in the region would have increased by 25 percent. Cant please everyone I guess.