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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Four Departments Report During Two BOS Budget Sessions



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Representatives from Newtown’s Police, Parks & Recreation, Public Works, and Technology Departments have completed reporting to the Board of Selectmen during municipal budget workshops that occurred January 24 and 28.

Five local volunteer fire companies, the Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers, the C.H. Booth Library, and the Town’s Purchasing Department are scheduled to present during a 7:30 pm session with selectmen on January 31, after the print edition of The Newtown Bee goes to press.

Final deliberations and recommendations on the town side of the 2019-20 spending plan are anticipated to be completed during the board’s regular meeting on Monday, February 4.

The next step in the local budget process involves combining the selectmen’s recommendations with those of the Board of Education and moving those separate budget requests to the Board of Finance, which could take up its review beginning with the first regular meeting Monday, February 11.

Finance board review will commence following a public hearing.

First Selectman Dan Rosenthal is requesting a 2.9 percent increase over the 2018-19 adopted budget. That proposal includes a $250,000 proposed increase in the Capital Roads line for continued local road improvements and maintenance.

The total proposed town-side spend — including all debt service on capital projects, including those associated with the school district — is currently $42,274,842, a $1,207,872 increase over the current adopted budget.

As presented at the school board’s January 15 meeting, the superintendent’s 2019-20 budget request stands at $78,108,940 — a 2.7 percent increase from the current year.

Read the detailed reports on each department budget presentation in this week's print edition of The Newtown Bee - on local newsstands or subscribe by calling 203-426-3141 or by clicking [naviga:u]HERE[/naviga:u].

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