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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Cultural Events

‘Accordion Stories From The Heart’ Mini Concert & Author Event Planned



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Angelo Paul Ramunni of Canaan, author of the recently-published Accordion Stories from the Heart, will present a book signing and mini-concert in the Alexandria Room of Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, on Saturday, February 16.

The program is scheduled for 2 to 3:30 pm. Admission is $5 per person, to benefit Edmond Town Hall.

Founder of the New England Accordion Connection & Museum Company in Canaan, Mr Ramunni will share stories from his new book. He will also perform a number of accordion songs and answer questions from attendees. Books will be available for purchase before and after the mini-concert.

Accordion Stories from the Heart provides a wealth of stunning photos and loving insights into the exceptional and sometimes tear-evoking stories involving many featured accordions from around the world. In his book, Mr Ramunni tenderly describes the extraordinary people who played and listened to this beautiful musical instrument over the past two centuries.

The 143-page hardcover book fills the reader’s heart with warm and fascinating accordion-related stories. Accordion Stories from the Heart features more than 70 photos of spectacularly decorated, hand-built accordions of multiple colors and ivory-like keyboards. They originate from many countries around the world and date back as far as 1829.

Mr Ramunni’s privately-operated New England Accordion Connection & Museum Company showcases more than 500-plus stunningly beautiful accordions, plus a studio where he repairs, buys, and sells remarkable hand-crafted accordions. He also offers for sale more than 10,000 pieces of sheet music and accordion-related books.

Accordion Stories from the Heart is filled with personal and easily-read — in large print — accordion stories. The book’s retail price is $39.95, and it is sold through [naviga:u]amazon.com[/naviga:u] and at [naviga:u]barnesandnoble.com[/naviga:u].

Autographed copies of Accordion Stories from the Heart will be available for purchase at the February 16 event. They are also available by calling the New England Accordion Connection & Museum Company at 860-833-1374 or visiting [naviga:u]neacmc.com[/naviga:u].

<p>Angelo Paul Rammuni will talk about, perform on, and even show off a few of his favorite accordions during a program loosely based on his new book, February 16 at Edmond Town Hall.</p>
<p><em>Accordion Stories from the Heart</em> provides a wealth of photos and insights into the exceptional and sometimes tear-evoking stories involving many featured accordions from around the world. Angelo Paul Ramunni shares stories of people who have played and listened to this beautiful musical instrument over the past two centuries.</p>
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