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Meet Your Inner Taogirl



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Meet Your Inner Taogirl

CJ Golden, the author of The Tao of The Defiant Woman, will lead a workshop on Tuesday, March 14, at Mocha Coffee House.

“Living Your Life Over 40 with Tao and Defiance!” will run from 7 until 8:30 pm at the Sandy Hook coffee house. Cost for the workshop is $15 before March 11, or $20 after. Ms Golden’s workshop will cover a woman’s journey through life’s transitions.

Ms Golden, a Newtown resident, will begin the workshop by introducing her concept of Taogirl.

The idea of accepting life as the universe gives it to you was the inspiration for Ms Golden’s book, The Tao of The Defiant Woman (A Guide to Life over 40: Accepting What We Must and Rebelling Against the Rest), which was released in March 2005. The book, the author told The Bee upon its release, explains how women (of most ages, not just those over age 40) can attain true happiness by embracing a philosophy of Taoist acceptance coupled with a dash of healthy defiance.

“Being a Taogirl is more than just physical. It’s mental. It’s taking what you do have and making the most of it,” Ms Golden said.

Ms Golden and participants will explore the principles of Taoism, which will aid attendees in meeting the challenges they all face daily in today’s culture. She will help attendees understand how the ancient philosophy of acceptance can work hand-in-hand with a defiant attitude, one that defies the archetypical stereotype, negativity, and limitations which sometimes hinder personal growth.

Introductory exercises and discussions designed to aid attendees find their own Taogirl will be presented.

In addition to this workshop in Sandy Hook, Ms Golden will be leading a workshop on Thursday, March 9, from 7 to 9 pm, at Healing Arts Community of Connecticut, 777 Federal Road in Brookfield, and she will be doing a reading and author signing session at Rainy Faye’s Eclectic Book Store & Gallery, 940 Broads Street in Bridgeport, on Saturday, March 18, at 1 pm.

To register for the March 11 workshop send a check to Taogirl, PO Box 59, Newtown CT 06470 or call Ms Golden at 364-0342.

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