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To the Editor:



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To the Editor:

All things being considered, the Hills of Newtown is the most appropriate and proper name for the magnificent tract of land and buildings which the State of Connecticut deeded to the Town of Newtown after the closing and demise of the mental hospital right in the center of Newtown known as Fairfield State Hospital.

A great part of the rolling hills and land and buildings from the hospital now belongs to the people of Newtown and for many it is among the most cherished possessions in the town. It does seem a bit incongruous to still refer to what some people call the “gem” of Newtown by a totally inappropriate, perhaps meaningless and even misleading name — Fairfield Hills — to say nothing of the geographic confusion created with the Town of Fairfield well over 25 miles away.

The important history and great distinction of the Town of Newtown is well known — people immediately know its location, people immediately identify with our beautiful, historic Main Street, our elegant Meeting House and our nationally renowned flagpole, all of which create a positive, memorable image. All of these positives would transfer with the name — Hills of Newtown! What a great and fitting identity for the land and area that is on its way to becoming such an important part of our town.

Initially and originally, in the 1930s the land with buildings housed nearly 5,000 mental patients and staff and was known as the Fairfield State Hospital — later Fairfield Hill State Hospital — serving Fairfield County, where most of the patients came from. And thus it has been known for many, many years.

But time moves on — the original purpose is history, ownership of land has changed, usage of the land has changed, but the rolling hills are still here, many new schools have been built, many new wonderful people have moved to town and it really is time for an appropriate name that better reflects its new usage and location and association with the Town of Newtown.

“The Hills of Newtown” says it all.


Mae S. Schmidle

Echo Valley Road, Newtown                                           March 3, 2010

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