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So Many Books, So Little Time



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So Many Books, So Little Time

To the Editor:

Last Saturday, the C. H. Booth Library was filled with the excited sounds of children who were preparing to compete in the Sixth Annual Battle of the Books. All the participants had to read four books selected by Margaret Brown (YA librarian) and Alana Bennison (children’s librarian), then be prepared to answer questions about the novels as part of team in a Jeopardy format. It was a very exciting two hours and congratulations to all the children. Thanks to the families and friends who were in the audience cheering them on.

A special thanks to Margaret and Alana who work so very hard for months behind the scenes to make everything run smoothly. They check all the questions and have hundreds prepared for the practice session, the elimination round, and the final contest.

The contributions of the Young Adult Council members who acted as timers, announcers, score keepers, and all around helpers were invaluable.

John Renjilian and I love to act as moderators because it is such fun to see so much enthusiasm generated over reading wonderful books. Thanks to all the family members who came up after the program to thank us personally. One aunt was an English teacher who was astounded at seeing so many children so enthusiastic over reading. Another mother said her daughter had a sleepover where the children discussed the books and anticipated possible questions that might be asked!

As a member of the Library Board as well as a volunteer, I wish to celebrate all the wonderful things that happen at the C.H. Booth each and every day. Check out the fabulous website and take part in any number of outstanding programs run by a dedicated staff.


Liz Arneth

4 Settlers Lane, Sandy Hook                                        March 30, 2010

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