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Development On Castle Hill



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To the Editor:

I have always walked in the woods and have enjoyed and contemplated many wonders of nature there. When I’ve walked in protected places, I’ve been careful to learn about and abide by all their rules. When I have walked on private land, not even knowing to whom it belonged, I’ve always been careful not to leave a trace or encourage others to join me since doing so could cause me to lose that luxury when the space gets slapped with “No Trespassing” signs.

I am happy that many on Castle Hill have had the luxury of enjoying its beautiful private wilderness for all these years. While I have never explored those woods, I know well the wildlife that partakes of its bounty since I have seen it in plenty of other places in this town and state.

I am happy to live in a town whose people value both private property rights and our natural environment and wildlife. There are many spaces in this town that are publicly owned and protected and there are private organizations that work tirelessly to protect even more.

For people who grieve the loss of wilderness like I do, I would suggest donating to or volunteering with organizations that preserve the environment and wildlife here, even though they may not be able to protect that corner of paradise that you have come to love.


Randi Kiely


A letter from Randi Kiely.
Comments are open. Be civil.
1 comment
  1. tomj says:

    It will be easier to walk through Castle Hill once there are 117 new houses.

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