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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Newtown’s ‘April Fools Day’ Award



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To the Editor:

A study by Value Penguin stated that Southwest Connecticut homeowners pay the highest property taxes in the United States of America. But this southwest area with the median property tax of more than $7,400 is soon to see large tax increases in property taxes with Lamont’s proposal to oblige towns to share in paying into teacher pensions. In addition, Newtown residents will have to approve additional millions that are requested in the school budget that never stops increasing even though there are almost 1,400 less students in the school system.

When will residents realize that these additional tax burdens are unsustainable?

When will residents send a clear message to the town leadership that they will no longer accept new taxes and send a clear message that they want a moratorium on increased spending?

If not now, then when will residents refute being “April Fools” when they cast their vote on the referendum on April 23?

When will concerned residents come to the realization that nothing will change in Newtown, Connecticut, if only 17 percent of them come out to vote on the town/school budgets? Don’t forget to attend the second New “Town Conversation” on April 9, at 5:30 pm, at the lower level of the library.

When will residents realize that tax increases will drive down real estate prices and undermine the value of their homes forever?

When will residents voice their concern over Newtown’s decline in real estate prices considering the yearly two percent education budget increases, which will produce the following projected per student costs?

2019-20 = $18,664; 2022-23 = $21,824; 2025-26 = $25,036; 2027-28 = $27,034; 2029-30 = $30,141.

When will those living on fixed budgets realize they cannot confront new added taxes with social security/pension income that will never absorb these increases?

When will the town leadership and our two Hartford representatives recognize the severity of this future dilemma and initiate programs to relieve this financial burden for thousands of senior residents?

We cannot be swayed by the education leadership’s argument that additional millions are needed to secure the best education possible. But their spending since 2007 for an additional 17 million of our tax dollars has failed to provide our students with the essential critical and creative skills necessary to confront their future challenges. Instead, they continue to focus on a series of academic testing and not on a relevant education that should create a “transformative experience.” But the education bureaucracy seems convinced that spending more on their education model is worthwhile. However, recent international student testing results show another reality. Example, students from many industrialized countries scored higher than American students. The United States ranked 37th place in science and 24th place in mathematics. Do these results justify continued per student cost increases? Then also consider the “poor fiscal health” of Connecticut, which ranks 47th in the nation. Continued tax increases to support additional spending will have a devastating impact on homeowners and businesses.

SOS... “Stop Over Spending”

Dr Rudy Magnan

60 Watkins Drive, Sandy Hook         March 26, 2019

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