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'Stuck For Buck' For Pennies For Patients



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Newtown Middle School students had the opportunity last month to attempt to stick technology education teacher Don Ramsey to the wall with duct tape during lunch waves, as part of a fundraiser by the school’s Interact Club for Pennies for Patients.

On March 21, students and teachers had the option of paying $1 for a strip of duct tape to be used to attach Mr Ramsey to the wall. The “Stuck For A Buck Day” was part of the annual Pennies for Patients drive to support research by the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, and the brainchild of NMS Interact Club and its advisor, Bruce Moulthrop. 

While Mr Ramsey did not end up sticking to the wall for long once a platform he was standing on was removed, Mr Moulthrop said the event raised $56 to be gifted to Pennies for Patients.

The Stuck For A Buck event was one highlight of a three-week drive by the Interact Club to raise money for the cause. Overall, Mr Moulthrop said the club raised $1,163 for Pennies for Patients. The homeroom that raised the most for the drive was Tom DeBenedetto’s, according to Mr Moulthrop.

For more information about Pennies for Patients visit www.penniesforpatients.org.

Newtown Middle School technology education teacher Don Ramsey volunteered to be stuck to a wall in the school’s cafeteria one piece of duct tape a time on Friday, March 21, as part of a fundraiser by the school’s Interact Club for Pennies for Patients.
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