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‘Lions Care’ Program Welcomes Call Requests



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The Newtown Lions Club launched “Lions Care” the end of March, a program intended to alleviate the isolation some local residents may be feeling as they practice social distancing, due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Lions Care offers a friendly phone call to “individuals who would like to hear a cheerful voice,” Past President Bruce Walczak said in a letter to The Newtown Bee. “We know there are many residents who could use a ‘How Ya Doing’ call,” he wrote.

Fourteen Lions’ members have signed up to be callers, and those requesting calls will be assigned a particular member who will then make a weekly check up call. The first call can be expected within 24 hours of the original request.

The Lions have not yet received an overwhelming number of calls — three to be exact — Walczak shared on April 8. However, as the need for social isolation continues, the Lions would not be surprised if the requests for the “Howdy” calls increase, he said.

Friends Of Newtown Seniors (FONS) is collaborating with the Lions to get the word out, Walczak added. He reiterated that the purpose of these calls is simply to say hello and listen. The calls are not meant to be a medical check up. Any medical or other needs heard by the Lions Care caller in the course of a conversation will be conveyed to the proper town department for followup.

To request a friendly call for yourself or someone else, contact Walczak at brucewalczak@me.com, and include the name of the person to receive the call and their phone number. The participating Lions member will identify him/herself when calling.

While the Lions are hoping more people will take advantage of this offer, if they do not hear from many, Walczak noted, “That’s good, too, if there’s not a big need and if neighbors are taking it on [to check up on others].”

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