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Talking With Newtown: Letting Go



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Art Hochberg, PhD, a teacher and author whose books encourage a creative, spiritual approach to self-awareness, will be at C.H. Booth Library on Wednesday, April 24, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. His program, in the library’s meeting room, will be called “Letting Go.”

Dr Hochberg has written two books, Letting Go  — or — A Practical Guide to Throwing Out the Garbage and Lightin Up! Healing Through Passion and Humor. Free copies of Letting Go will be available to all attendees, courtesy of the author, through the library’s Books Heal Hearts program.

Dr Hochberg, who earned his doctorate in psychology in 1969, continues to maintain his own private practice as a licensed psychologist and also serves as an intake psychologist at a Philadelphia inner city mental health clinic.

Allowing joy into one’s life is part of the answer for many people. It is Dr Hochberg’s belief that allowing joy into one’s life is part of the answer for those suffering severe trauma.

Respecting what one has been through can begin the process of entering the next phase of one’s life, he said. Dr Hochberg will cover ten signs he sees, and share specific steps anyone can take toward healing.

The signs to be discussed are hanging onto being a “victim,” not giving yourself permission, clinging onto old hurts and resentments, seeing yourself as the rejected one, being too hard on yourself, not being tolerant of others, losing your sense of humor, being selfish, obsessing, and forgetting about the big picture

Dr Hochberg’s talk is free and open to the public, but due to limited space reservations are being requested. Reservations can be done through the library’s website, www.CHBoothLibrary.org. Call the library, 203-426-4533, for additional information.

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