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Fanning The Flames Of Racial Division



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Fanning The Flames

Of Racial Division

To the Editor:

We have been saturated, for the past month, with the Trayvon Martin case on national television. Not only has it been on World News multiple times, but the President and his wife have even commented on it. We do not know the facts to this story; however, we do know that there was an altercation of some sort and Trayvon Martin was fatally shot on February 26, 2012. The media continues to convey the narrative they want to tell, why? George Zimmerman, the other party in this case, has already been tried and convicted in the court of public opinion and found guilty of being a racist.

Jesse Jackson and Reverend Al Sharpton, two individuals that fan the flames of racial division, had to make sure they got their faces on television. Jackson stated, “blacks are under attack” and “targeting, arresting, convicting blacks and ultimately killing us is big business.” Mr Jackson, 93 percent of all blacks killed are by the hands of other blacks. Reverend Al, I have but two words for you, Tawana Brawley.

How many know the names Nancy and Bob Strait? How about the name Tyrone Woodfork? On March 14, 2012 Tyrone Woodfork was arrested and charged in the brutal attack on the Straits. We do not know the facts to this story; however, we do know that 85-year-old Nancy Strait was brutally beaten, sexually assaulted and died from her injuries. Her husband, 90-year-old Bob Strait, a World War II veteran, was also beaten, suffering a broken jaw, broken ribs and was shot with a BB gun. Where was the national media coverage on this shocking crime? Why weren’t the racial agitators making any statements on this heinous act? Where were Reverend Al and Jesse Jackson? Was it because it was black on white and not white on black? Of course it was. The fans of racial division continue to get fanned by those looking to benefit from it.

Mrs Obama stated, the shooting of Trayvon Martin in February is a “tremendous loss.” The President stated he would like a son like Trayvon Martin — what about a son like Tyrone Woodfork? In one case we have worldwide publicity. In the other case, who? We have two deaths that are equally significant; both a tremendous loss, yet the significance is based solely on race. Why? The libtards have set this country back. Racism is not going away. It is alive and well. How sad it is that everyone no longer has the right to pursue happiness. How sad it is that everyone no longer has the right to liberty. How sad it is that we as a nation live in dark times. How sad it is that so much in our society is based on dividing us. We have a corrupt government. We live in a corrupt society. We need an intervention. How sad!

Rich Narel

18 Philo Curtis Road, Sandy Hook                               April 22, 2012

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