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Newtown Rotary Club Refreshed Pollinator Trail At Fairfield Hills



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The Newtown Rotary Club, alongside volunteers and the WCSU Rotaract Club, visited the pollinator trail at Fairfield Hills on Saturday, April 20 and refreshed it with pollinator plants. The project was also supported by the CT Sierra Club.

According to Newtown Rotary Club’s Facebook page, they planted twenty-five new plants. They also cleaned up the beds “in preparation for what we hope to be a fantastic growing season.”

With this being the fourth year the club has planted pollinators on the trail, former Newtown Rotary Club President Alex Villamil said that this project reflected one of the many goals of the organization, which is to support the environment.

“This is our way of doing something for the environment that’s local,” Villamil said. “It beautifies the fruit trail, and it also helps out pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. It benefits all of those things that actually help give us a source of food.”

Despite the dreary weather that morning, many volunteers and WCSU Rotaract Club members showed up in full force to help with the trail.

Everyone went from task to task to provide support where they could, whether it meant putting down mulch and shoveling holes to handing out water bottles and cutting cages to help protect the plants.

Newtown Rotary Club President Vern Chong hopes that the club can keep bringing people together and beautifying areas around town for the sake of the community.

He is also excited for summer when even more people will start walking on the pollinator trail and see all the new beautiful plants there.

“That’s what I’m looking forward to. It’s so much healthier for the environment. It’s just incredible,” Chong said. “And it’s great that Fairfield Hills has this area where we can do things like this. It just makes Newtown feel really special.”

For more information about Newtown Rotary Club, email president@newtownctrotary.org, visit their website newtownctrotary.org, or visit their Facebook page at Newtown CT Rotary Club.

Reporter Jenna Visca can be reached at jenna@thebee.com.

Several Newtown Rotary Club members, alongside volunteers and WCSU Rotaract members, showed up in full force Saturday, April 20 to grow new pollinator plants on the walking trail at Fairfield Hills. This marks the fourth year in a row that the club has planted pollinators on the trail. Various passersby walking on the trail that morning stopped to thank the club for their efforts, such as First Selectman Jeff Capeci. Another one of the people who stopped by was a man wearing a blue baseball cap and walking his pug, who wanted to join in for the big group photo. —Bee Photos, Visca
WCSU Rotaract Co-President Suyun Han (left) and WCSU Rotaract member Vidhi Rana put down mulch around a plant together.
Volunteer Vincent Zhang rolls out wire on the grass. These wires were then cut off into smaller segments and placed around the new pollinator plants to protect them.
Former Newtown Rotary Club President Alex Villamil (left), WCSU Rotaract Co-President Mercedes Shand, WCSU Rotaract Treasurer Alton Spencer, and WCSU Rotaract Secretary Sophie Denmark work on digging up holes with shovels for the new pollinator plants.
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