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Hawley Students Audition For A Friday Performance



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Hawley Students Audition

For A Friday Performance

For the third year in a row, students at Hawley Elementary School had the opportunity on Monday to try out for a part in a Missoula Children’s Theatre performance, scheduled for this Friday, May 1.

Roughly 115 students tried out in the school’s gymnasium April 27 for a part in the production of Hansel and Gretel.

“They get tons of self-esteem,” said Robin Fitzgerald, co-chair for the event of the PTA program with Martin Blanco. Ms Fitzgerald said being in the play also helps to teach the students when they need to be quiet and when they need to talk.

Last year, Ms Fitzgerald said, when the Missoula Children’s Theatre came to Hawley School for a performance with the students, 119 tickets were sold. She said she is expecting roughly the same from the school’s community to attend the 7 pm show on Friday for families. Students at the school will also be shown a student performance at 1 pm on Friday.

The students prepared every day after school for the week until a dress rehearsal show, open to local seniors, is performed on Friday at 10 am.

The Missoula Children’s Theatre has directors go to different schools or organizations to prepare students for a performance, in this case, ususally within one week.

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