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Defunding Social Security?



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To the Editor:

Trump’s May 3rd statement, backed by the GOP Senate, should galvanize resistance from all seniors, and opposition from all those who will become eligible for Social Security in coming years. Trump, as he sat with Lincoln’s statue in the background, proclaimed there will be no further COVID relief assistance unless the payroll tax is cut. Attention everyone! Payroll tax revenue contributes the major part of funding for Social Security!

It has long been the intention of the GOP to eliminate Social Security in order to substitute a privatized system. Now we have the Trump administration and his minions in Congress proposing to blackmail our governors and our senior population, making aid to the states contingent upon gutting Social Security.

Citizens: write or phone your Congresspersons and make it clear that your votes for them depend upon their upholding the vitality and continuance of Social Security.

Polly Brody

Heritage Village, Southbury May 5, 2020

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