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The Embodiment Of A Volunteer



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To the Editor:

“The heart of a volunteer is not measured in the size, but by the depth of the commitment to make a difference in the lives of others.” —DeAnn Hollis

Surely, Anna Wiedemann embodies that definition. Anna is to be the recipient of the Jefferson-Jackson-Bailey Award on May 15. I am unable to attend so I would like to offer my congratulations and say a bit about the Anna I know.

If I were to list all the various organizations for which Anna has volunteered, I would exceed The Bee’s word limit. Those of us who have had the pleasure of working with her all know one thing: It is difficult, if not impossible, to say “No” to Anna! One knows, if Anna’s involved, than it is something that is worthwhile and an automatic, “Sure, be happy to help,” spills out of your mouth. Thanks to Anna, so many of us have met people whom we might not have if it weren’t for the opportunities she presented to us. Thanks to Anna, we have temporarily been secretaries, maintenance people, writers, speakers, friendly visitors, chauffeurs, cooks, and the list goes on. The hats she has worn, transferred to us. Thanks to Anna, I/we am/are forever changed.

“Volunteers do not have more time — they just have more heart” is an anonymous quote which seems so fitting. When charged with a project, Anna truly does put her heart and soul into seeing the task to completion. Either flying solo or heading a team, if you are looking for someone to lead to a successful conclusion, Anna Wiedemann is the lady to contact.

As a volunteer par excellence, turned full-time grandmother, her volunteering moments may be in shorter supply but she is such a wonderful example for her children and grandchildren. Dr Seuss’ quote from The Lorax, “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” If the time comes, and it probably will, someone will call Anna for assistance and she’ll say, “Sure, be happy to help,” because that’s Anna.

Anna, through all your dedication and gifts of kindness, you have made Newtown a better place. I am so proud to call you my friend.

Warmest congratulations!

Roseanne G. Loring

9 Cobblestone Lane, Newtown                                           May 6, 2014

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