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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Lions’ Blood Drive A Big Success



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To the Editor:

The Newtown Lions Club had a very successful blood drive on Tuesday, May 7. This is due to all the people behind the scenes who helped make it such a success. We would like to thank Newtown Congregational Church for letting us use their Great Room for the blood drive; Jeff Dymerski at Dunkin’ Donuts Newtown for donating coffee and doughnuts for our donors; the Woman’s Club for manning the registration table the whole day; Women Involved in Newtown for the yummy baked goods for our donors; St Rose Church, Newtown Methodist Church, Christ the King Lutheran Church, and Newtown Congregational Church for helping us advertise our blood drive in their bulletins; Amy Mangold at Parks and Rec and Sue Marcinek in the First Selectman’s office for sending out e-blasts to the Newtown residents to ask them to consider donating blood; Tasha Coleman-Jackson of the American Red Cross for printing our posters and giving us lawn signs; and Shannon Hicks of The Newtown Bee for giving up her time to take a photo of the Newtown Lions Health Committee to advertise our blood drive, as well as making room in The Bee for our photos and ads.

Many thanks to all the donors, too!


Sue Corey, Newtown Lions Club

10 Carol Ann Drive, Newtown         May 8, 2019

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