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‘Let The People In’



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To the Editor:

The Newtown Bee’s article on the Charter Commission’s decision [“Charter Panel Chair Clarifies Workgroup Closed Meeting Practices,” The Newtown Bee, May 7, 2021] to bar voters and the press from attending meetings is concerning.

The reason for this unusual structuring of the Commission into three separate small teams, two people each, appears to have been to speed up the progress to get the recommendations on the ballot in November. This is a mistake for several reasons.

1. Charter changes control how the town is govern and managed. Changes are too important to rush the process. The conversations include eliminating the Board of Finance, and important issue with the Board of Education, and reducing referendums on capital items. These are fundamental changes that effect how Newtown is governed. The commission needs to take its time and do it right, with transparency.

2. Structuring these discussions with only two people per topic out of a seven-person commission will reduce thoughtful input, the wisdom, and expertise of the entire Commission during these important work sessions.

3. The chairman, in previous minutes, recognized that the Charter Commission is subject to FOI, so another reason for creating small teams appears to be to skirt FOI Regulations for posting agendas, holding open meetings, and minutes. This denies Newtown residents, and importantly the press, the opportunity to listen and observe the discussion which will ultimately result in their recommendations to the Legislative Council.

Let me be clear: the chairman can legally have these sessions open to public and press’s observation. I confirmed this with FOI. This would allow the process to move forward smoothly and still allow the public to hear the discussion and the press to report on them. The Freedom of Information Commission encourages even these two member groups to be open and transparent. It’s perplexing why the chairman of the Charter Commission wants to keep these proceedings secret, creating mistrust within the community over what should be a completely transparent process.

Mr Chairman, please reconsider and let the people in.


Bruce Walczak

12 Glover Avenue, Newtown May 14, 2021

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