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Hostility To Real American History



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Hostility To Real

American History

To the Editor:

If you are over 50, answer the following question:

What word would you use to describe people who do not believe in God, ignore the US Constitution, and teach that people have no God-given inalienable human rights, they also routinely ignore our children’s First Amendment rights as well as our rights as parents?

In 1950 they would have been called “communists.” Today they are often called radical secularists or progressive, and populate our American public school administrations and Boards of Education. In hostility to real American history, these radical secularists insist that parents do not know what is good for their own children, ignore their job to focus on academics, ignore state law requiring that controversial subjects be taught from both pro and con points of view, and insist that religious belief is divisive and that public debate can only proceed on secular terms.

Note: When you teach only one perspective regarding controversial subjects, that is called “indoctrination” not education.

They also glorify good intentions and ignore bad choices and poor results. Then they wonder why America’s parents and taxpayers fail to fully support their greedy budget to push their unwanted agenda?

Politicians on every level need to wake up and remember that 80 percent of our laws are based on the Ten Commandments and English law. That older parents believe what the schools are teaching, instead of focusing on academics, increases society’s slide down the slippery slope to the new dark ages.

Mrs McClure and our Board of Education, Mrs Wasserman and politicians of both parties, you need to pay attention to what the majority are saying via the No vote on our budget and budgets around the state. Make no mistake, we mean No we do no want to pay for that.

All elected officials need to do a better job spending our money and stop spending three times the inflation rate year after year. Schools need to stop their “hate America” agenda. Stop threatening parents and taxpayers every time we say you need to make wiser spending choices. After all we have only said cut future increases not actual spending.

What is more important than the town council reducing the size of future spending is how the BOE applies those cuts. Do they make wise choices or threaten to cut teachers and books instead of wasteful spending?

One more thing about NEASC and accreditation; this is all hocus pocus political propaganda. The proof is: a few years back I called NEASC and asked, “You said we are not spending enough, so tell me what is enough and where and how should it be spent?” To this they had no answer. Wow is that ever a mouth full. All they seem to want to do is ensure that you spend more!


Daniel A. Kormanik

85 Great Ring Road, Sandy Hook                                   May 30, 2007

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