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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Higher Gym Rent Means No Party



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Higher Gym Rent

Means No Party

To the Editor:

I recently learned that the board of directors of Edmond Town Hall has decided that renting out the gymnasium is now a four-hour minimum to the tune of $120. I was so surprised to learn this information, having rented out the space numerous times for birthday parties and playgroups over the years.

Firstly, no parent in their right mind wants to host a four-hour birthday party. Secondly, what a slap in the face to our wonderful community who relies on using this space as a cost-effective way to celebrate family occasions.

What a shame in this economy to make yet another venue inaccessible to struggling families who don’t want their children to miss out on the chance to celebrate with their friends and classmates. The increased cost puts this great community resource out of reach to the people who rely on it most.

Janet Swierbut

45 West Street, Newtown                                                 May 30, 2012

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