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Top Five NewtownBee.com Stories For May 23 To 29



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Each week we compile a list of some of the most-read stories published at newtownbee.com. Here is a roundup of the week’s recent top stories, based on the number of page reads.

Keep up with all the Newtown news by subscribing to the paper each week — click “Subscribe” at newtownbee.com or e-mail subscriptions@thebee.com — and check our website for updates.

“Borough Fence Flap Pits Disabled Homeowner Against Historic Commission,” by John Voket, published May 22. A Main Street homeowner with a chronic disability is engaged in a flap involving the Borough Historic District Commission and the Borough’s zoning coordinator over a fence. Read more at newtownbee.com/05222021/borough-fence-flap-pits-disabled-homeowner-against-historic-commission.

“Planning & Zoning Approves Two Applications,” by Alissa Silber, published May 28. The Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) met over Zoom on May 20 for a packed agenda of public hearings. Read more at newtownbee.com/05282021/planning-zoning-approves-two-applications.

“Coexisting In Harmony With Wildlife: Foxes, Raccoons, And Rabbits,” by Alissa Silber, published May 23. In this miniseries, The Newtown Bee consults animal experts to explain how to support these animals safely from afar and what to do if you encounter them face-to-face. Read more at newtownbee.com/05232021/coexisting-in-harmony-with-wildlife-foxes-raccoons-and-rabbits.

“Will The Labor Day Parade Step Off This Year?” by Shannon Hicks, published May 25. The decision to hold or cancel this year’s Newtown Labor Day Parade has not yet been made. Read more at newtownbee.com/05252021/will-the-labor-day-parade-step-off-this-year.

“BOS Learns $9.3M Coming From ‘Rescue Plan,’ Acts On Land Donation,” by John Voket, published May 25. The Board of Selectmen recently learned Newtown is expected to receive in excess of $9.3 million in relief from American Rescue Plan disbursements passed through the state. Read more at newtownbee.com/05252021/bos-learns-9-3m-coming-from-rescue-plan-acts-on-land-donation.

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